WBMLP's 2022 Energy Supply

Information & Charts Summarizing our Previous Year’s Energy Supply & Statistics

West Boylston Municipal Light Plant (WBMLP) is a vertically-integrated utility that owns distribution, generation, and transmission facilities. Our investment in generation and transmission assets produces a very clean energy supply with stable and competitive electricity rates. Our generation and transmission expenses represent approximately 75% of our annual operating budget and WBMLP hasn’t had a rate increase since 2009.

WBMLP continuously evaluates new sources of reliable, non-greenhouse gas (GHG)-emitting, and low-cost energy located throughout or interconnected to New England. West Boylston is transitioning away from fossil fuel generation and adopted a Greenhouse Gas Emission Standard (GGES) in 2019. Our GGES goal is “Net Zero” greenhouse gas emissions from our energy supply by 2050.

55.6% of WBMLP's energy supply did not emit GHGs in 2022. This means we are halfway toward meeting our net-zero GGES goal already! Over time, WBMLP will need to invest in additional renewable and clean energy to meet our net-zero GGES goal by 2050.

WBMLP's existing energy portfolio is comprised of nuclear, solar, wind, hydroelectricity, natural gas, oil and storage generation. Typically, our energy assets and contracts require us to purchase specific quantities of energy, through specific dates of the contract. Some of our existing clean energy supply commitments extend until 2057.

West Boylston's 2022 Energy Supply came from the following types of generation

West Boylston's 2022 Energy Portfolio MWh's Owned or Purchased Percentage of Annual Supply
Wind 4,084 7%
Solar 4,337 7%
Hydro 7,457 12%
Nuclear 26,967 44%
Natural Gas 1,335 2%
Oil 139 0%
Hedged Energy ISO-NE Market Mix 3,569 6%
RT/DA ISO-NE Market Mix 13,416 22%

Here are the individual components of WBMLP's 2022 Energy Supply

West Boylston's 2022 Energy Portfolio MWh's Owned or Purchased Percentage of Annual Supply Life of Contract PPA or Asset
Berkshire Wind, Massachusetts, RPS 2,271 4% 2036
Hydro-Quebec Hydroelectricity, Canada, CES 2,628 4% 2025/2026
(5 yrs)
Brookfield Hydro & REC, New Hampshire, RPS 1,020 2% 2022/2024
(10 yrs)
NYPA Hydro, New York, CES 2,915 5% 2057
Eagle Creek Hydro, NH 895 1% 2034
Nuclear, Millstone 3, Connecticut, CES-E 7,153 12% 2045
Nuclear, Seabrook, NH, CES-E 19,815 32% 2050
West Boylston Solar, RPS 491 1% 2036
West Boylston Landfill Community Solar 1, RPS 2,499 4% 2041
Net Meter Solar from Customer (N2 Solar) 6 0%  
Solar Rebate Generation, RBS 61 0%  
Stony Brook Peaking, Oil, Ludlow 139 0% 2030
Stony Brook Intermediate, Oil, Ludlow 0% 2030
Stony Brook Intermediate, NG, Ludlow 1,335 2% 2030
Real Time, ISO-NE Market Mix 13,416 22% RT/DA
Energy Hedges, ISO-NE Mix 3,569 6% 1-5 yrs
Princeton Massachusetts Wind 408 1% 2023
West Boylston Rooftop Community Solar 2, RPS 1,280 2% 2038
Hancock Wind, Maine 1,405 2% 2035

55.6% of West Boylston's energy supply met our Greenhouse Gas Emission Standard (GGES), which requires "Net-Zero" Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050

2022 GGES Qualified Energy
(Emits "0" GHG Emissions)
MWh's Owned or Purchased Percentage of Annual Power Supply Environmental Attributes
Hydro-Quebec Hydroelectricity, Canada, CES 2,628 4% Attestation
Brookfield Hydro & REC, New Hampshire, RPS 1,020 2% REC
NYPA Hydro, New York, CES 2,915 5% Attestation
Nuclear, Millstone 3, Connecticut, CES-E 7,153 12% CES-E/EFEC
Nuclear, Seabrook, New Hampshire, CES-E 19,815 32% CES-E/EFEC
West Boylston Solar, RPS 491 1% REC
Solar Rebate Generation, RPS 61 0.10% REC
Total 2022 GGES Qualified Energy Purchased 34,082 55.6%  

10% of West Boylston's Energy Supply generated environmental attributes that we sold in 2022. WBMLP will eventually retire these environmental attributes, which we then can count toward our GGES percentage

2022 Environmental Attributes Sold by WBMLP & Future Retirement Date MWh's Owned or Purchased Percentage of Annual Power Supply Environmental Attributes
West Boylston Community Solar 1, 2026 2,499 4% SREC
West Boylston Rooftop Community Solar 2, 2028 1,280 2% SREC
Berkshire Wind, Massachusetts, RPS, 2030 2,271 4% REC
Energy & Attributes to add to GGES 6,050 10%
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